Key Benefits

  • Enhance productivity through automation
  • Modular utility design for reuse on future projects
  • Standardise best practice and work processes to improve quality of engineering
  • Remove transcription errors through integration
  • Faster completion of projects and time to market

Other Technology

IPPD provide enterprise solutions for different vendor applications. The technologies are diverse and cover many different areas. Some of them have already been discussed in the project technology areas. However, we also provide small scale solutions for specific vendor applications and general programming for any other application.

This page looks at some of the general solutions provided for the different customers around the world.


IPPD is committed to providing the best in class solutions for any technology and integration between disparate products. Although our primary expertise revolves around the front end tools, specifically Aspen Basic Engineering, we have a proven track record in producing bespoke solutions in a short space of time.

In these different areas we want to:

  • Facilitate effective workflow between departments, functions and engineers designing new plants or improving existing facilities.
  • Reduce total engineering hours.
  • Reduce data transcription errors.
  • Improve overall quality of engineering by ensuring use of standards and data consistency from source to final use.
  • Dramatically improve engineering effectiveness through reuse of engineering designs and knowledge.
  • Expand the value of intellectual property (e.g. design knowledge and experience) by utilising the system as both a repository and source of proprietary information.

Bespoke Utilities

With some in-house legacy applications there is no vendor application that can replace the legacy application. This can be for many reasons - the engineering intent, the specialised knowledge, the user confidence factor and the overall look and feel can outweigh the requirements to redesign the application.

Export/Import Utilities

These legacy applications are a key engineering facet that play a role in the overall engineering design. In these cases the cost of reimplementing in a new vendor application is not feasible. This is a common theme in many engineering companies and in such cases IPPD will provide bespoke tools and utilities or build on the legacy application to integrate the data for import and export to third party vendor applications.

The legacy system is no longer an island of automation but a key extension of the automation solution layered on top of the vendor applications and engineering products.

Aspen Basic Engineering Solutions

The tools available in Aspen Basic Engineering are extensive but their utility will vary from customer to customer. As the product has an open architecture with access to many of the automation libraries it is possible for IPPD to deliver "fit for purpose" solutions that previously seemed impossible.

For example IPPD have the indepth expertise and knowledge to develop a component that can be plugged into the Aspen Basic Engineering Simulator Interface application. This capability then allows the import of simulations from an in-house simulator to the project workspace providing integration of data.

We are also able to use the same technology to plug in-house programs into other Aspen Basic Engineering applications, such as the Thermal Design Interface and Costing Interface. Where it is not possible to achieve such component modules, IPPD can deliver integrated solutions that allow data to flow between the different applications.

Many of our implementations have involved bespoke graphical utilities that allow automatic creation of Heat & Mass Balance grids, naming conventions and automatic labelling of equipment when an item is placed on the diagram.

We strive to provide a solution for all requirements and customer needs and will advise to the contrary if it is not possible.

IPPD Products

Please view the generic products available from IPPD.